

Department of Social Security
Zhang Si-feng
Date: 2016-09-09   Source:Clicks:
Name Zhang Si-feng
Title Professor,Doctoral Supervisor
Research Interests Recycle Economy;Social Security
Contact zhangf@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Zhang Si-Feng, male, was born in Weinan City of Shan Xi Province in 1952, professor of economics, doctoral supervisor ,the director of "Fine-Quality Course at State-level", provincial outstanding teacher. At the present, he working as standing director of the National Social Insurance,vice-chairman of Shanxi Economic Society,vice-chairman of Shanxi Regional Economic Research Board,committee member of Advisory Council on the Environment and Social Security Monitoring Committee in Shaanxi Province. He has been engaged in graduate and undergraduate teaching work since 1982. Nearly 100 doctors and masters had been successively guided. He also conducted educational reform and research projects more than 30, including national item 3,provincial item 8. More than 60 research papers has been published and nine textbooks and monographs have been compiled. His teaching and scientific research achieves 15 prizes,including Second-level Award for Teaching National Achievements item 1,Special Prize for Teaching Provincial Achievements item 1 and Award for Provincial Scientific Achievements item 2.

In The Central Government’s Determinative Role in Western Development which was published by the Journal of Humanities in 1997, Professor Zhang Sifeng relatively early proposed the concept of “Western Development” . The Theory and Application in Actuarial Science of Social Security which was published by People's Publishing House in 2006, goes over actuarial theory and method with innovation. Which has been used as textbook of masters and doctors’ materials in many domestic universities. From 2002 to 2004, three papers about recycling economy research have been cited with the frequency respectively of 170,60 and 48 times. Moreover , he is the chief expert of Key Program of National Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project“the Models and Routes of the New Rural Social Endowment Insurance”

Teaching Jobs:
Public Economics,Political Economics, Essentials of Economics, Theory and Practice of Socialist Market Economy, Frontiers of Marxism

Research Direction:
Social Security and Actuarial Science & Recycle Economy

Scientific Achievements:
Research Papers:
1)Mathematical Model of Sustainable Development for Social Medical Care Systems, DCDIS Series B, Vol.14 (S2), 2007,873-877. (ISTP)
2)Differential Equations Model and Reliability Analysis of Population Structure and the Demand of Social Security of China, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Impulsive and Hybrid Dynamical Systems,copyright 2007 Watam Press, (2007)2695-2699. (SCI)
3)Globally Asymptotic Stability by Feedback Control for the Social Security System of China The 5th International Conference on Impulsive & Hybrid Dynamical Systems and Applications,2008 .(ISTP.)
4)Differential Equations Model and Reliability Analysis of Work-Related Injury Insurance System of China 2008 International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization,2008.(EI、ISTP)Nonlinear model and sustainability of social security systems, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-series A, Mathematical Analysis 13, 284-286 Part 1 Suppl. S DEC 2006. (SCI)
5)Review of Ecological Risk Assessment Methods [J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2010.3.(CSSCI)
6)Estimation on Medical Demand for the Urban Elderly In-patients:A case of city proper in Baoji county[J]. Population and Economics, 2010.2.(CSSCI)
7)Evaluation of Eco-Compensation for Impaired Vegetation in Shenfu Coal Resource Exploration Areas Based on the HEA Method [J].RESOURCES SCIENCE, 2010.2.(CSSCI)
8)A Study on System and Mechanism of Ecological Compensation for Coal Mining Areas[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences), 2010.2.(CSSCI)
9)Quantitative Analysis on Change of Age Structure to the Fund Gap on China Basic Pension Insurance:A Case of Shaanxi Province[J]. Forecasting,2010.2.(CSSCI)
10)Establishment and Application of Measuring System of Eco-city Development Level[J].Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)2009.1.(CSSCI)
11)Study on "Partial Pay-As-You-Earn" Model of Basic Pension Insurance Supply for Enterprise Employees[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences) 2008,4.(CSSCI)
12) Influence on the basic old-age pension gap of enterprise workers in urban and rural areas by making the individual accounts real: the application of Shaanxi Province[J]. New West,2008,2.
13)Forecasting of Future Overspending of Personal Account for Basic Old-Age Insurance at the Background of Population Aging[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences) 2009,5.(CSSCI)
14)Differences in the demand and supply of social security to urban population with lower income[J].Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 2009,5.(CSSCI)
15)A Study of Sex-differential in Corporate Pension Replacement Rate[J]. Population & Economics,2007.3.(CSSCI)
16)The Basic Old-age Insurance Fund Revenue and Expenditure under the Introduction of Inter-provincial Migration Factors:The Case of Shaanxi [J].Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences),2007.2(CSSCI)
17)The Demand-forecasting Model of Benefit of Basic Old-age Insurance For Urban Employees:the Application of Xi'an City[J]. The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2006.5.(CSSCI)
18)The Demand-forecasting of Benefit of Basic Old-age Insurance For Shaanxi Urban Employees [J]. The Journal of Humanities,2006.2.(CSSCI)
19)The Urbanization Level Measurement of Xi′an Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process [J].Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences),2006, 2.(CSSCI)
20)Analyzing Dematerialization of Shaanxi Province based on MFA [J]. Resources Science.,2006,3.(CSSCI)
21)Estimating Compensation for Damaged Vegetation Ecosystem in Shaanxi Province based on HEA [J]. Resources Science.2007,6.(CSSCI)
22)Circular Economy: From Development Idea to Construction Pattern[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)2007,6.(CSSCI)
23)Research on Developing Strategy and of Promoting Mechanism of Circulation Economy in Xian’City[J].Science Economy Society.2007,2(CSSCI)
24)Shaanxi Center City Integrated Development Level Research:Based on principal component analytical method [J].Reform of Economic System2006,3.(CSSCI) 25)25)Urban Hierarchical Structure of Shaanxi Province and Urban Regional Character of Xi'an——An Analysis Based on the FA Method [J].Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences),2006,5.(CSSCI)
26)The Urbanization Level Measurement of Xi′an Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process [J].Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Social Sciences) ,2006,2.(CSSCI)
27)Analysis of the Core Competence of the Corporation and Its Source:Based on General Equilibrium Theory[J].The Journal of Humanities(Bimonthly,2005,1.(CSSCI)
28)Effect of Chinese Tradition on innovational education of Graduate[J].Academic Degrees & Graduate Education,2006,8.(CSSCI)

1) Teaching Material : Public Economics ,Xian Jiaotong University Press ,2008,2.
2) Monograph:Recycle Economy: the Models and Routes,Xian Jiaotong University Press, 2007,10.
3) Teaching Material: Social Security, Xian Jiaotong University Press,2007,9.
4) Teaching Material : The Theory and Application in Actuarial Science of Social Security, People's Publishing House,2006,9.
5) Teaching Material: Introduction to Social Security,Xian Jiaotong University Press,2003,8.
6) Teaching Material: Political Economics, Xian Jiaotong University Press,2003.
7) Teaching Material: Economics, Xian Jiaotong University Press,1997,8.

1)Second-level Award for Teaching National Achievements:Comprehensively Promoting Cultural Quality Education and Iimproving the Quality of Talent Training,2005,ranking 3.
2)The second Prize of Shaan Xi Philosophy and Social Science Excellence Achievement: The Three Stages of Circular Economy Development and Government Recycling Economy Policy,2007, ranking 1.
3)The third Prize of Shaan Xi Philosophy and Social Science Excellence Achievement:Urban Agglomeration Hierarchical Structure of Guanzhong and Its Development Strategy "2004, ranking 1.
4)The Third Prize of Shan Xi Philosophy and Social Science Excellence Achievement:Insistence on Practice of Epistemology and Improving the Understanding Socialism,2004, ranking 1.
5)The Third Prize of Humanities Social Science of Shaanxi Provincial Education Office: Research on the Grade and Division of work of Guanzhong, 2003, ranking 1.
6)The first Prize of Fantastic Lessons in“Two Courses”holded by The Education Working Committee of Shaanxi Municipality
7)Baosteel Education Award(Outstanding Teacher Award),2003.
8)The second prize of excellent teaching in Xian Jiaotong University: Research on educational reform of Marxist political economy,2003, ranking 1.
9)The second prize of excellent teaching in Xian Jiaotong University:Exploration on Reformation of Teaching Practice of Public Administation,2007, ranking 1.
10)The Third Prize of Environment Protection and Progress of Science and Technology in Shanxi Province:Study on the Development Strategy of Xi’an Recycling Economy, 2007, ranking 1.
11)Outstanding Teacher Award on Graduate Education holded by Graduate School of Xian Jiaotong University,1999.

Mainly Research:
1)2010-2012: the Chief Expert of Key Program of National Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project“the Models and Routes of the New Rural Social Endowment Insurance”(09&ZD057)。
2)2007-2010:the director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China “Research on Ecological Risk Assessment and Counter-measure of Ecological Compensation in Yulin”(D011-040771083)
3)2007-2008: the director of the National Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project“Research on the Change of Population Structure in China and its Social Security Demand”(07BRK004)
4)2010-2011:the director of the Shaanxi Soft-scientific Item “Research on Perfection and Promotional value of Shenmu universal Free Health Care ”(2010KRM44)
5)2007-2008: the director of the Shaanxi Soft-scientific Item “Research on Social Security Problem of low-income urban Population in Shaanxi” (2007KR93)
6)2004-2006: the director of the National Social Science Fund of Shaan Xi “Research on Key Breakingthrough Item and Advancing Mechanism of the Development of Circular Economy in Shaanxi” (04D0152)
7)2004-2006: the director of the Shaanxi Soft-scientific Item “Measurement and Analysis on the Development Level of Center Cities in Shaan Xi” (2004KR61)
8)2008.3-2008.8: the director of Management Committee of Suzhou Industrial Park Item“Research on social security system , mechanism and policy optimization of Suzhou Industrial Park based on actuarial analysis.
9)2008.3-2008.8: the director of Shenzhen Labor and Social Security Bureau Item“Research on Management System and Operation Mechanism on Maintaining and increasing the value of social insurance fund in Shenzhen”


Copyright: Xi'an Jiaotong University_school of Public Policy and Administration E-mail:xjtusppa@yahoo.com.cn

Address: Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Post Code No. 28:710049 Website: Yi Yang Technology

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